AlterNation - magazyn o muzyce Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave i nie tylko
Sara Noxx - Colder And Colder (MCD)
Pozostałe płyty:
Sara Noxx - Society
MCD Limited Edition
Data wydania: 1997-09-22
Wydawca: Nightshade Productions

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Sara Noxx - Colder And Colder (MCD)

Sara Noxx

Data wydania: 2003-03-11

Wydawca: Scanner

01 Colder And Colder (Album Version)
02 Colder And Colder (Tell Me Why Remix)
03 Colder And Colder (Dust Of Basement Remix)
04 Colder And Colder (Drunkness Mix)
05 Your Face In My Brain (12 Inch Mix)
06 Colder And Colder (Ambience 1 Mix)