Laibach - Ljubljana - Zagreb - Beograd (CD)
Pozostałe płyty:

Data wydania: 1993-06-16
Wydawca: The Grey Area
01 Intro
02 Unsere Geschichte
03 Rdeči Molk (Red Silence)
04 Siemens
05 Smrt Za Smrt (Death For Death)
06 Država (The State)
07 Zavedali So Se - Poparjen Je Odšel I (They Have Been Aware - Scalded He Left I)
08 Delo In Disciplina (Work And Discipline)
09 Tito - Tito
10 Ostati Zvesti Naši Preteklosti - Poparjen Je Odšel II (To Stay Faithful To Our Past - Scalded He Left II)
11 Tovarna C19 (Factory C19)
12 STT (Machine Factory Trbovlje)
13 Sveti Urh (Saint Urch)
14 Država (The State) (Studio Version)
15 Cari Amici Soldati / Jaruzelsky / Država (The State) / Svoboda (Freedom)