Loreena McKennit - Words And Music (CD, Mixed, Sampler, Promo )
Pozostałe płyty:
Words & Music (The Visit Interview)
CD, Mixed, Sampler, Promo
Data wydania: 1992-00-00
Wydawca: Warner Bros. Records

CD, Mixed, Sampler, Promo
Data wydania: 1992-00-00
Wydawca: Warner Bros. Records

Loreena McKennit
Data wydania: 1994-03-00
Wydawca: Warner Bros. Records
Segment One 24:45
1.1 The Mystic's Dream
1.2 The Dark Night Of The Soul
1.3 The Bonny Swans
1.4 Full Circle
1.5 Marrakesh Night Market
Segment Two 17:29
2.1 The Two Brothers: A Moroccan Field Recording
2.2 Santiago
2.3 Prospero's Speech
2.4a Cé Hé Mise Le Ulainght?
2.4b The Two Trees
2.5 The Bonny Swans