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Al Andaluz Project
Rozpoczęcie: Poniedziałek 2012-03-19 20:00
Zakończenie: Poniedziałek 2012-03-19 00:00
Wstęp: 23,75 EUR
Www: Zobacz
Autor: zwyklyproszek
Kategoria: Koncert
Miejsce:Germany, Berlin, Heimathafen (Karl-Marx-Straße 141)
Al Andaluz Project is a collaboration between the musicians of the German group Estampie and the Valencian L’Ham de Foc. After a Estampie concert a visitor presented Michael Popp, musical director of the group Estampie, with a recording and said: "This will probably find favour in your critical ears…". It was a record of the band L´Ham de Foc from Valencia (Spain) who have put a name on the map of world music with their typical mixture of mediterranean, oriental and medieval music.